Jaroslav Vundrle movie list

Born and based in Czech republic (Prague). An actor and stuntman mostly playing the roles of tough men, but he has already played the main character role of the father in the drama. For his distinctive style, he was cast in commercials, including the prestigious role of Kratos in an advertisement for the PS5 game God of War: Ragnarök. Productions appreciate his ability to improvise and be flexible. In 2023, he received big opportunity from Netflix in the film Loups-Garous (2024) where he played a supporting role and was also a stuntman himself. He show his performance for Lionsgate in the Ballerina project, as the right hand of the main role of the Russian Roma guard. Member of stunt team (Stunts4U - Dimo Lipitkovský). As a stuntman, he has completed several projects for foreign productions.