Katia Mironova movie list

Katia Mironova is an Italian actress of Belarussian origins. After taking part in the successful fiction Rocco Schiavone directed by Michele Soavi, she made her film debut in 2018 with the role of the superhero Cinetica in The Invisible Boy: Second Generation (Italian: Il ragazzo invisibile: Seconda generazione), a fantasy film directed by Oscar-winning Gabriele Salvatores. The same year she landed a role in The Vegetable by Gennaro Nunziante. 2019 also sees her debut on television for the Eurogames as co-host. In 2021 Katia participated in two highly successful fictions Justice for All (Italian: Giustizia per tutti) by Maurizio Zaccaro and Makari by Michele Soavi. In 2023 Katia appeared opposite Pierfrancesco Favino in an Italian crime thriller Last Night of Amore (Italian: L'ultima notte di Amore). Katia is fluent in Russian, English, and Italian. She speaks some French and Spanish.