Ashley Ray Keefe movie list

Ashley Ray Keefe is an American actress and artist. She is represented by Daniel Hoff Agency for commercial, print, and voiceover. Ashley began acting at age five and has continued. Ashley is also an advocate for many charitable causes like Chiari Malformation. Ashley loves singing and writing music. She sings for live events, charity benefits, and grew up singing at church. She was a soloist for the Women's Leadership Conference at the MGM Grand and opened the National Conquer Chiari Walk Across America charity walk twice. She has taken voice lessons from Jannette Crumes and Shaun Royer. Her first cover song was Harry Styles' "Adore You" and was produced by David Kidd. As a singer songwriter she's worked on her original music with composer Tom Marolda of Songgram Music. Ashley has been featured on "Ghost Adventures" and had an extensive speaking role on "The Verdict With Judge Hatchett". She was cast with her sister in the SAG thriller "Nightmare Gage Box" as Jennifer. She has also worked on various projects now in post production. She recently wrapped her role as "Julia" in Finnish Television series "King of Los Angeles" written by Jari Olavi Rantala and Directed by Juha Wuolijoki. Ashley loves acting and looks forward to a future behind the camera as well. Ashley is passionate about education, leadership, and philanthropy. As early as third grade she joined student government. By 5th grade, she led her school as president and continued Student Council though out her middle school and high school career in several officer positions including President. Additionally, Ashley traveled and performed with her school choir, Bella Voce, and received awards. By the end of 8th grade she achieved many academic awards, one of which recognized her for completing all three years of middle school with straight A's. In high school, she obtained a perfect 4.0 GPA / 4.75 GPA through honors and AP classes and enjoyed clubs like National Honor Society and Student Council. Ashley received multiple scholarships including full tuition to the University of Arizona, UNLV, and a partial scholarship to Pepperdine. Ashley is studying Sociology at California State University Northridge where she also obtained a scholarship.When Ashley isn't in school or working she enjoys trips to the beach, driving home to Nevada, hanging out with friends, and trying new hobbies. Ashley looks at life with ambition and moves with positivity. She is excited for what is to come.