Ritu P Sood movie list

Riitu Sood hailing from queen of hills Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. She's post grad with MBA and also been the part of the corporate world . After Philips electronics India last she worked as a branch manager with Samsonite India. She's also an entrepreneur with Jewlery designing and customized jewellery designer apart from this she also holds the title of Mrs beautiful eyes 2017, Mrs India Goodwill Ambassodor and Mrs India himchal Pradesh (1st runners up) She made debut with her song kamli by Seepi Jha, played character of Durga bhabhi in " hero of nation Chandra Shekhar Azad . Produced Humraz song under the banner of her production Company " bloomfair production " Now actively working for tv, webseries, ott and movies as an actress. She would be soon seen in her upcoming projects "Do Patti " , "Bastar " and " chaava " movies tentatively schedules for 2024