Randy Lee movie list

When Randy Lee was a boy growing up in the suburbs of Milwaukee, WI, he dreamed of becoming many things. Like being a pilot, an NBA player and a fire fighter. After he realized he didn't like roller coasters, being a pilot seemed like a bad choice. After he didn't grow to be more than 6 feet tall, he realized he couldn't play in the NBA. After graduating from technical school with a fire fighting degree, he tried it and decided fire fighting didn't fulfill his creative ambitions. In 2007 he traveled west to California where he discovered the one thing that he always wanted to do, be in the performing arts. He has always been fascinated with acting and movie production. Since moving to the Los Angeles area, Randy has studied at Howard Fine's Studio for Scene Study and was a member of the Lifebook Acting Academy. Randy filmed his first short film "Shattered" which has been presented at several film festivals in 2012. He also filmed his first big film. Saving Lincoln. He has played many roles for TV, including a regular cop for the Fox network show Brooklyn Nine-nine, on the Travel Channel as a criminal for Unusual Suspects, and many more. He has also played parts in commercials and was the creator and co-writer for a comedy called "Pretty Girl Parking." Randy is excited about the future of his career, and lets just say, he is thankful he hated Roller Coasters.