Beau Jones movie list

Beau Jones made his debut on television on the Australian reality TV series about his family Keeping up with the Joneses (2010 - 2011) depicting life on a cattle station in the Northern Territory. Beau acquired roles in the award winning feature films Alfa Maschi (2016), Blacktop Stranger (2017), Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan (2019) and the mini web series Growing Pains (2018). Beau maintains a stellar track record at the Australian Screen Industry Network winning awards in the categories of Members Choice (Shiver 2016) and Best Actor in both 2017 and 2018 for Blacktop Stranger and Growing Pains respectively. He has also picked up awards for directing and writing a number of plays. He has uncredited roles in San Andreas (2015), Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mean Tell No Tales (2017), Pacific Rim Uprising (2018) and Aquaman (2018) In 1995 Beau was born Beau Stanley Knight Jones in the rural township of Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia along with his little sister Alix Jones to parents Milton and Dominique Jones who owned and operated a cattle station from which he attended the famous School of the Air. In those days classmates and teachers were learning remotely via radio. Beau continued this until his parents mutual separation which saw him move into Katherine to attend school during the week and work on the cattle station on weekends and holidays. At the beginning of junior high, Beau was enrolled into boarding at the prestigious Southport School (TSS) on the Gold Coast in Queensland. He excelled in numerous sports including rowing in which he represented Australia. His academic focus was on the creative arts, sciences (robotics), graphic design and history however he always felt most at home in the famed Annand Theater during drama class. Upon graduating as Valedictorian in 2013 Beau applied to and was accepted at The New York Film Academy Australia. While studying acting full time he supplemented his income with a variety of jobs including directing productions at numerous small theatre's as well as TSS's annual school plays. He also worked as a bartender on the famous Surfers Paradise strip, worked as a steal fabricator, factory hand, rowing coach, acting coach and boat craftsman during this time he also acquired his advanced scuba diving license, a hobby he still pursues. In August of 2017 Beau with a group of his close friends founded the fledgling production company known as Foath TV, its debut production being Growing Pains a comedy mini series. Foath TV continues to produce a variety of productions from short and feature films to music videos and corporate content. Beau continues his study of Acting and Filmmaking at various workshops and classes throughout Australia and the USA.