David Michael Harrison movie list

David Michael Harrison is a multi-talented actor and producer, hailing from Tipperary, Ireland. After completing his acting training at CSN Cork, and in Dublin, David set out on an adventure across the world, a self supported cycle from Australia to Ireland, documenting his journey. Due to a life threatening illness in the midst of the pandemic his cycle was cut short, and he had to return home after reaching India. His focus turned to acting and producing in recovery and within three years he amassed an impressive resumé. David's impressive film and TV credits include lead roles in a variety of short films, including Any Other Morning directed by Mark O'Connor, Diva and The Soundman by Emma Coleman, and Coast Watchers by Sam O'Neil. He has also made contributions behind the camera, serving as line producer for Big Bay Entertainment's first two feature films, Poppy Loftus and Tuesday Traders. David has since travelled to India, having being cast in an Indian production called Captain Miller. With his diverse background, and experience both in front of and behind the camera, David is a rising star and certainly one to watch in the world of film and television. He brings a tenderness and a childlike wonder to the unpredictable Dead Eye in Tuesday Traders.