Brad Jacobowitz movie list

Brad Jacobowitz was born in The Bronx, New York, to parents Ernest and Marlene. Jacobowitz's father was a police officer and his mother was a school teacher. He is of Puerto Rican and Russian/ Polish Jewish descent. While attending Vanguard High School in Ocala, Florida, Jacobowitz was a member of the NJROTC Batallion for 4 years and was considered to eventually be The Admiral of the Military. He scored extremely high on the ASVAB test at MEPS Station in Jacksonville, Florida. Jacobowitz also attended Government Affairs/Criminal Justice courses for 4 years where he was trained by Jim Miller in CIA/FBI/NSA Tactical training. After high school, Jacobowitz began and completed training as a Green Beret, Navy Seal and Army Ranger in Fort Bragg, North Carolina within 1 year. He was then trained to become a pro wrestler by Dory Funk Jr. Jacobowitz wrestled under the name Manny Montana while working odd jobs to make a living. He wrestled for 5 years working for various wrestling promotions such as SCW Florida, Full Impact Pro, Florida Championship Wrestling and NWA New England. Jacobowitz also started training seriously in Boxing and MMA. He was a sparring partner of the former WBC Heavyweight Champion of the World, Deontay Wilder. Jacobowitz decided to pursue a film career instead. He trained under acting coaches Robert Miano and Jon Freda. Jacobowitz worked as an extra on numerous TV shows and films including a bit part on the TV series, Numb3rs episode "Jack of all trades." Jacobowitz wrote, directed, produced and starred in his first feature film, "The Pizza Boy"(2013). The Pizza Boy premiered in New York City with good reviews. Jacobowitz has held numerous jobs including OTR truck driver, New York City yellow cab driver, correctional officer and construction worker. He is currently working on getting a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment and is in development of his second feature film Jake the Conqueror (2024).