Moud Sabra movie list

Moud Sabra has spent the last decade working as an actor and writer. In each incarnation, his mission has been to create and share deeply personal and entertaining stories. His diverse background as both a performer and writer gives him a unique understanding of how one's story and the performance of it - whether in person or on the page - best work together. On screen he has shown his impeccable abilities by playing roles ranging from a war hero in Dear Rosa to a schizophrenic drug dealer in The Paper Bag Prince, and an abusive husband in Fantoxicity. Over the past 4 months, He has portrayed over ten complex characters and has brought exhaustive truths to each one phenomenally. Admired by many for his ability to easily understand the full spectrum of the characters that he is given, Moud has tackled many roles that were difficult and mentally strenuous and brought them to life in uniquely brilliant performances. In a recent interview with Rachel Latrell, Moud has stated that his diverse background, uncommon upbringing and years of traveling around the world have equipped him with one of his most valuable skills as an actor, which is being familiar with certain truths and realities that others cannot fathom existing. "Most of the characters that I have read for I had already met. Being an empath, I have always found it my responsibility to explore the reasons behind people's actions and the way they choose to be. There is always a reason behind someone's intolerable naïvety or repulsive attitude, trying to understand that over the years has made it easier for me to accept and read people much easier, and that is what I do with my characters" - Said Moud Moud graduated with a Bachelor's of Arts from University of Delaware, where he studied acting and began his acting journey in theater. He wanted to explore as many different techniques and teachings as possible, especially because he had always dreamed of venturing into Film and TV. He then attended Terry Knickerbocker Studios and learned Meisner from Terry Knickerbocker. He also studied at Stella Adler studios, HB Studios, and has been in weekly private coaching sessions with the great Andrew-Stewart Jones. Moud 's cultural, personal and physical diversity has allowed him to play many roles from different ethnic groups. He was born in Brooklyn, NY to Egyptian parents. Later he moved to Egypt where he grew up for 12 years and familiarized himself with the culture and became fluent in Arabic. From there he learned to travel and went around the world exploring cultures and people. Among many of the uncommon experiences that Moud has admitted to visiting was surviving The Egyptian Revolution, which channeled a similar freight needed for his embodiment of Sgt. Garcia in Dear Rosa. Moud's wide range of characters is cultivated from true experiences and emotions that are evident in his work on and off the screen, which explains his ability to embody painful realities and channel them in a raw form to the audience . In addition to his creative work, Moud studied medicine and worked in the healthcare industry for years. He spent months in the amazon jungle helping patients. He has been published as a scientist for his advances in the medical field and has written a soon- to- be published autobiography.