Marcel Rasquin movie list

Coffeemaker, troublemaker, twinmaker. Venezuelan filmmaker based in LA. Writer and Director of the feature HERMANO (2010); which won The Grand Prix (Luc Besson presiding the jury), The Audience Award and The Critics' Award at the Moscow International Film Festival. Best Film in Huelva FilmFest, Spain; Best First Feature in Habana Film Festival, Cuba, and over 25 international awards. HERMANO was the Venezuelan candidate for the Foreign Language Film Category at the Academy Awards 2011. US Theatrical release by MusicBoxFilms in 2012. Variety included Marcel in the top 10 directors to watch in 2010. A healthy career directing ads and music videos. Marcel is also an accomplished theater director, with works ranging form classics, experimental and even a Broadway musical (Next To Normal). Him and his production company TRES were in charge of the Venezuelan production service for the remake of POINT BREAK (2016). Recently selected by the Sundance Institute to be part on the Film Two Feature Film Program with his project DOGS IN ANTARCTICA. Marcel is also developing a TV series: FLAT OUT; and producing Diego Vicentini's first feature: SIMÓN.