Daijah Peters movie list

Daijah Peters has always had a love for acting; she was nine years old when she got her start in the Amazing Grace Conservatory's presentation of West Side Story as Maria. It was during that performance that she knew she wanted to pursue a career in entertainment. From there she began writing music and performing at local events in the Watts community. She then went on to join the Bennet-Kew dance team from grades 3 to 6 and became captain during her 6th grade year. She also participated in the Premier Musical Theater theater group for two years on a full scholarship. After finishing elementary school, she continued her love for acting through school plays, short films, commercial acting and theater. Her junior and senior years of high school, she took drama as an elective and excelled. She then graduated high school third in her class with honors. Daijah continues to pursue her love of acting through film and television performances.