Sharon Spiegel Wagner movie list

Most of Sharon's credits are in theatre. Puccini's opera La Boheme (children's ensemble, Pretoria State Theatre); The King and I (A child of the King of Siam, Pretoria State Theatre). Sharon studied classical singing and piano and entered several eistedfodds winning gold and silver medals. Sharon went on to study Dramatic Art at WITS with Honors, winning top performance awards including the top senior award for performance. Publicized In-training performances include: Deborah in Sexual Perversity in Chicago; Ariel in Shakespeare's The Tempest; Lulu Levine in Love, Crime and Johannesburg; Erzulie, goddess of love in the musical, Once on this Island. Sharon's professional projects began in childrens theatre writing, producing, directing and composing music. Professional credits include: Shakespeare's Macbeth (witch); Iron Love (Annie) which played at the National Grahamstown Arts Festival; Sun City's Let there be Rock (principle); Fiddler on the Roof (ensemble, The Joburg Theatre); Hairspray (Brenda and cover Penny Pingleton, The Lyric Theatre); Andrew Lloyd Webber's (UK version) Aspects of Love (principle role of Jenny, The Joburg Theatre); Grease (principle role of Frenchy playing at Teatro Montecasino johannesburg and world touring with David Ian productions; Love, Loss and What I wore (principle, Montecasino studio theatre and the Theatre on the Bay, Cape Town); From the Mouths of Babes (principle role, co-written original piece produced by The Market Theatre, performed at The Market Theatre and The Baxter theatre, Cape Town) From the Mouths of Babes received two South African Theatre Naledi nominations; The Rocky Horror Show (principle role of Janet, Pieter Toerien's Theatre, Montecasino); I'm playing your song - The Marvin Hamlisch Story - original musical story about Marvin Hamlisch (principle role. Pieter Toerien Theatre, Montecasino and The Theatre on the Bay, Cape Town). Sharon received rave reviews and was nominated for a South African Theatre Naledi award for Best Actress in a musical. Sharon's film credits include: international projects, Inescapable and The Journey is the Destination. Television credits include: SABC 1's Tempy Pushas (principle role of Justine Duval). Sharon played the lead role in SABC 3's Bedford Wives and has appeared in BBC's Origins; and season 4 of "Our Girl". She is consistently working in corporate events and entertainment; industrial theatre; voice-over work; directing and writing school productions and teaching. Sharon is also proud to be a part of the acapella group HONEY which came 4th in SA's Got Talent 2014. She has two teachings diplomas (ATCL) from Trinity College London for Musical Theatre and Dramatic Art and also won the prestigious exhibitionist award for Dramatic Art. She has also completed her Honors in Psychology with distinction.