Becca Q. Co movie list

Becca Q. Co is an actor, voice actor, writer, director, singer, and artist. She graduated from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts with a BFA in Drama (Meisner, Experimental Theatre Wing, Stonestreet Studios for screen acting, and Commedia dell'arte in Florence, Italy). She completed her BFA with her thesis production of "The Last Laugh," a dark comedy of friendship, forgiveness, confusion in love, and accidental murder(!), which she wrote, directed, and starred in at ETW. She has since been working in theatre, voiceover, commercials, television, and film. Becca enjoys producing original work. Her comedic short film SPIES? was a winner at Indiedance 2020 and awarded as a Silver Finalist in the Spotlight Short Film Awards in Atlanta, GA. It is the Official Selection of The Oregon Short Film Festival, the Rock the Shorts Festival in Los Angeles, and the Austin Micro Short Film Festival. SPIES? is streaming on HUeMANTV. Becca is deeply passionate about representation, uplifting and celebrating stories by marginalized voices, and spreading love and laughter. She is a proud member of Gabriela Los Angeles, a grassroots Filipino women's organization that serves the community and fights for human rights, locally and abroad.