Billie King movie list

Writer, director Billie King was born and raised in Compton, California, later moving to Los Angeles and has always been surrounded by entertainment. Living in a city where celebrities pass you on the street daily, and sit next to you in coffee shops, King's fate was written in the stars. It was only a matter of time before she was bitten by the entertainment bug and entered the arena of music at a professional level. King began her career in the music industry at 17-years-old as a hip- hop artist. King, the first west coast female signed to Loud Records on the label with Wu Tang Clan, Method Man, and Big Punn. In the late 90's she started penning songs for some of R&B's hottest acts. She has written songs for KC & JoJo, Jodeci, and AzYet to name a few, as well as collaborated with a host of top talent, like members of NWA, DJ Quick, and Brian McKnight and Caz Shepherd which earned her spots on Billboards top 100, and many gold and platinum plaques. After a few years of writing treatments for music video, it was only a matter of time before King found herself wearing the triple threat chapeau of writer, producer, and director. She paid her way through school attending UCLA Extension at night where she studied directing actors for screen. She's written and directed several music videos, trailers, and short films. In 2015 she added author to her name. Her self-titled memoir Billie chronicles her life as a young girl who clawed her way to the top after living at the bottom. It has earned 5 stars and it's spot in bookstores and libraries across the country. An excerpt from the book has been made into a short film "The Red Barn" which has gone on to win awards due to it's excellent portrayal of two young girls on a journey where the route they've chosen proves to have a wrong and possibly fatal turn. 2017 King founded film production company Pink Guerrilla LLC. 2019 was a great year for King, she signed a deal with Mona Scott- Young at Monami Entertainment, and in talks with Viola Davis company Juvee for a her scripted show The Women on Wall Street. Billie King has no desire to be the "next so and so", but would rather stand next to the best the industry has to offer and have her legacy be that of a strong young woman who opened the doors of opportunity to other talented creatives, encouraging them to go forth and do great works.