Gary Anthony Stennette movie list

Gary was born in Panama City, Panama and was raised in Los Angeles, California from the age of 6. He is the youngest of four siblings. He attended Hamilton Magnet Arts High School in Los Angeles. Though his main course of study while in high school was music, his desire was to be in the theatre program, and at the age of fourteen he began taking acting classes. After graduation, he enlisted in the U.S Navy where he became an aviation specialist; immediately upon completion of his Naval services he signed with Relevé Entertainment Agency, headed by Holly Davis-Carter. His first guest appearance was on Paramount Network's "The Watcher", and soon thereafter a guest appearance on USA Network's "Pacific Blue", in which he shared the screen with "Top Gun" Rick Rossivich; Gary confesses that the latter film was a major influence in his decision to joining the Navy .. and admits that working with Rick was a surreal experience. Gary had a five year stint as a cast member of Mayumana, an Israeli dance theater troupe that combines dance, song and percussion. After leaving Mayumana he continues his journey in film and television.