Maisie Moreno movie list

Maisie Moreno was born June 30th 1992 in Seattle Washington. Her father is Caucasian and grew up in Idaho and her mother is from Peru, having immigrated to the United States in her early 20's. She grew up traveling to South America frequently and at the age of 16 was scouted and signed to a Seattle based modeling agency. She began her modeling career young and worked for brands such as Nordstroms, Amazon, Microsoft, Alaska Airlines, MAC Cosmetics, Pantene, Forever Mark Diamonds, Monster Energy, Mini Cooper, Lexus, Agent Provocateur, Vera Wang and so much more. At age 22 she moved to Los Angeles California and signed to Q model Management and began working in the LA modeling and commercial market while also working side jobs as a bartender. Her career goals expanded early into acting and she began taking acting classes and getting roles in smaller indie films. She also developed a keen interest in writing for film and television and started writing comedic Youtube sketches that she acted in and produced in collaboration with other Youtube personalities. She is currently a student at The Los Angeles Film School studying Screenwriting. She is based in Hollywood California.