Kourtney Brown movie list

Born in Miami, Florida on the 9th of February 1984, Kourtney Brown was raised in Nassau, capital city of the Bahamas, on the small island of New Providence. He is the youngest of four sons to father, James Eugene Brown, a Bahamian real estate investor, and mother, Ethel Lee, a retired registered nurse. From a toddler, Kourtney was rarely seen without a crayon in hand and a performance. He was immediately noted by family and preschool teachers as the "artistic one" or, by others, as "Indigo", producing acrylic scenic paintings of the islands, surprisingly realistic portraiture of the locals, and always eager to be in every pre-middle school play. At age 11, Kourtney was "bitten" after auditioning and landing a "one liner" role, the size of his small frame, in the Summer film "Flipper" (1996) starring Elijah Wood and Paul Hogan. A few months after Kourtney's baby, big screen debut was released, James, his father passed away to heart failure. He promised his Dad, that unfortunate night, that he'd pursue his dreams... He did. Kourtney participated in a collection of local Bahamian commercials, theater and independent film productions to age 17. Upon graduating high school, he returned to his birthplace of South Florida. His mother's intent for him to immediately enroll in a University for the arts was placed on a year halt when Kourtney was discovered by a model and talent agent and a flow of theater, commercial, film, TV and pilot opportunities came along. Kourtney took advantage of that flow, from performing as a martial arts stunt double on Paramount's TV series "South Beach", to being smothered in whipped cream along with actress Jamie King and lead actor Adam Brody, on Fox's "The O.C ". Kourtney received an irreplaceable opportunity in the independent film "Secrets and Death" (2005) to play, alongside, Emmy Award winning actor/director, Melvin Van Peebles. His character portrayed a thug that mugs Peebles' character at a park in broad daylight. Even through out sporadic demands of his craft, Kourtney had eventually, enrolled full time at The Art Institute: Miami International University of Art and Design to pursue a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in Visual Arts and Entertainment, yet had to drop out and re-enter several times to accommodate. Amongst all the hits and misses of this young man's gradual career climb, Kourtney was selected to star in Twentieth Century Fox's "My Games Fever" (2006), an interactive game show airing on affiliated My Network TV stations, nationally. Kourtney had been recognized and segmented on the U.S talk show, "Jimmy Kimmel Live" and VH1's "Best Week Ever", where commentators have referred to him as a "Day time TV breakout star". He was chosen as the face of Sean Jean's "Unforgiveable" cologne spray in its Spring Break 2007 Viacom affiliate national campaign, and since then has appeared in national campaigns for KFC, Nokia, Optimum Wifi and Tobacco Free Florida. Kourtney is a master clay/ceramic sculptor and portrayer of the figure in all mediums. Amongst all other endeavors, he managed to establish and run his company, Kreosart.