Veronika Kurshinskaya movie list

Veronika Kurshinskaya is a film, television and theater actress. She was born in the Russian city Yaroslavl. Determined to become an actress from the day she was born, Veronika made the big move towards her goal in 2008 and moved to Los Angeles California to pursue her acting career. She began taking classes at Margie Haber's Studio and was accepted to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts to study theater. During her studies, Veronika also volunteered at a Hollywood theater helping with set and light design, producing and directing. Part of her education was studying actors on stage. While still enrolled as a full-time student, she was cast in "Vagina Monologues". After graduating from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Veronika Kurshinskaya decided to further her education and applied to and was accepted into New York Film Academy's Masters of Fine Arts in Acting. During her career, Veronika worked with various respected actors and directors: Trey Stokes' "Moby Dick" (starring Matt Lagan, Barry Bostwick and Renee O'Connor), Petra Haffter's "Speak Now!", Nick Van Slambrouck's "Once Upon A Time In The East" and Jon Polansky's "The Closer". In 2012, she was featured as a dancer in "The Master" directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. Immediately afterwards she played an Air France Stewardess in Ben Affleck's "Argo". Later that year, she was in Anthony Cook's comedy, "Wallbobs". Other Veronika's projects include principal roles in a web campaign for the Parker Palm Springs Resort directed by Kiki Augier, followed by roles in "Party Like A Roman Emperor" for the Discovery Channel, "The Gateway" directed by John Henry Richardson and "Divine Intervention" directed by Luis De Valencia. Veronika was also cast in a spec commercial directed by former National Basketball Association player, Shaquille O'Neele. In spring 2012, Veronika was selected Miss Los Angeles California US and went to represent the city to Miss California US 2012 Beauty Pageant in Santa Barbara. She was awarded a special prize as Miss Photogenic. Veronika's other accomplishment was a lead theater role in the actors' equity performance "Modern Drama", a comedy written and directed by Bill Sterritt. The show opened in June, 2012 at the Studio- Stage Theater in Los Angeles and was critically acclaimed. Veronika's voice can now be heard in a new animated series "Lunatics" as Anya Titova, The Farmer. Veronika's interests are painting, photography and supporting theater and art programs. Her career has been highlighted by numerous international publications such as Komsomolskaya Pravda (Russia), Soul Brazil (Brazil), LA Splash and Rogue Cinema (USA). Veronika resides in West Hollywood, CA.