Michelle Murad movie list

Michelle Murad is an actor, director, writer, singer, and dancer based out of sunny Los Angeles,California. Born and raised in Silver Spring, Maryland, Michelle knew from a very young age that the arts were calling her name. As a young child, she would create elaborate plays in her backyard starring a cast of friends and family. She went on to complete a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre from the University of Maryland. Soon after her studies, Michelle moved to Los Angeles where she has starred and collaborated on a number of commercial and independent film projects. Her desire for knowledge led her to enter into UCLA's inaugural Program for Acting for the Camera, which she has recently graduated from. Following her graduation, Michelle paired up with writer Ryan Chanatry to create the original series "Jewish By Association," a project that became a semi finalist pick for AMC's new TV Pilot competition. She is excited for what the future has in store. Stay tuned for what comes next...