Jack Harrison movie list

Born in Washington, D.C. and raised in Saegertown, Pennsylvania for most of his life. Jack Harrison is the people's hero. He's omni-competent, tenacious, unstoppable, and yet, just a regular guy. He is valor in the physical with single minded devotion to a cause bigger than him on and off the screen. This is largely due to Jack holding a black sash in the dark ancient art of Kune Tao Kung Fu. This training gave him an Eastern mindset to marry to his Western value system. Jack is proficient in tactical as well as real combat characterization. Jack is a stout nod to the action stars of the 70's and 80's who possessed strong character, integrity and grit. Watch Jack for any length of time and the longing for what we are currently lacking becomes not only evident but desperately wanted by current action movie fans.