Anika Neubauer movie list

Anika Neubauer studied Marketing- Communications and Psychology in Germany. Next to her study she started career in agencies for show- and entertainment artists, managed music artists, organized all kinds of cultural and artistic festivals, worked as a journalist for several national print- and online magazines before stepping into the world of films by becoming a "Production Manager" for the 3D Real feature film production "Robin Hood - Ghosts of Sherwood", produced by DigiDreams Studio, which opened the international 3D Filmestival in Los Angeles 2011. 2013, she joined the producer Ulli Lommel, former producer of Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Andy Warhol, who engaged her as "Line Producer" for his film project "Mondo Americana". Inspired and motivated by some leading film producers around the world, she is now going to build up her team of "Spiritual warriors on films" who share her vision of making a positive difference to the world by touching souls with great international feature film entertainment.