Damian Thompson movie list

Born in Kingston, Jamaica and raised in Miami, FL. Damian Thompson is a performer of both stage and screen. At an early age he was his family's private entertainer, always dancing at family functions and reciting TV shows. After moving to America from Jamaica, while in speech classes to control his accent he developed a chronic case of stuttering. In seventh grade after reciting Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech perfectly without stuttering, his teacher (Charlette Seward) convinced him to try out for the performing arts magnet at his middle school. She believed that it would help him to control his stuttering. After auditioning and getting in, he got bite by the acting bug and have been infected ever since. Damian holds an M.F.A. in classically acting from the University of Delaware's Professional Theatre Training Program and a B.F. A. in acting from the University of Evansville. In his spare time he enjoys writing, modeling, and traveling.