Michael Hall D'Addario movie list

Michael hails from Long Island, New York. While he started acting at age 6, music has always been Michael's first love. He has played drums since age 4 and started writing his own music and playing guitar around 12. Michael and his brother, Brian D'Addario, started a band at the ages of 6 and 8, and have been performing music ever since. They formed the alternative rock group "The Lemon Twigs" in 2014. After signing with independent label 4AD, "The Lemon Twigs" released their debut album, "Do Hollywood" in October 2016. They toured in the US, Europe, Australia, and Japan and released an EP ("Brothers of Destruction") in September 2017. Their second album, "Go to School," came in early in 2017 and #3, "Songs for the General Public," in 2020. A fourth album is in the works for release in 2022.