Kida Burns movie list

Leon Akida Burns, best known by his stage name Kida The Great is a talented 14 year old dancer/choreographer from Sacramento. Kida learned the art of dance from his big brother at the young age of four and is now apart of the amazing groups, Family First Crew, The Art Of Teknique, and Chapkidz who are now HHI World Champions. The newest addition to that is his very own squad he has picked and groomed to his perfection known as New Generation. "keep praying, keep planning, keep pushing is his motto and a mindset that his father left with him. 2014 was a bittersweet year as he lost his father, one of his biggest motivators, but won the internet breaking battle that reached millions of views, was re-posted by thousands, and really grew his fan base. He carries that mindset to motivate and push him daily. Kida was named Most Inspirational Dancer, and Best Kid Dancer at the Sacramento Music Festival amongst many other contests and events in his hometown. Kida has also recently won So You Think You Can Dance: Next Generation. He grew alot as a dancer and person as he was partnered with ,So You Think You Can Dance All-Star, Fik-Shun. Working hard like this daily has given him the opportunity to be on Ellen, The Queen Latifah Show, Rachael Ray, Battlefield America, a number of commercials and music videos and he doesn't plan to stop there. He's accomplished his goal of starting a dance workshop tour teaching city to city with the aim to go worldwide.