Valerie Wildman movie list

In addition to portraying Fay Walker on Days of Our Lives (1965) for several years, Valerie has appeared in numerous television shows and films, including Lifetime's Hunt for the Labyrinth Killer (2013), NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003), The Mentalist (2008), Without a Trace (2002), Cold Case (2003), Nip/Tuck (2003), "CSI", Hallmark's "Mystery Woman", HBO's award-winning "Indictment: The McMartin Trial," Oliver Stone's acclaimed "Salvador," "The Falcon and the Snowman," "Internal Affairs," "Beverly Hills Cop II," "Dear God," "Chicago Hope," "Tracey Takes On," "Fired Up," "Crime and Punishment in Suburbia," "Dangerous Women" (series regular Patricia/Faith) and a recurring role on "Beverly Hills, 90210" as Christine Petit. Valerie has been a celebrity host on several reality shows. With a strong theater background and numerous stage appearances, Valerie is a recipient of the Dramalogue Award for Best Actress. Valerie also hosts/produces the website AngelsAmongUs.TV and spends a great deal of time meeting everyday "angels" in housing projects, homeless shelters, community clinics, juvenile halls, inner city schools, recovery centers and doing relief work throughout the world. As a Vista volunteer in the housing projects of San Antonio, Texas, she worked with at-risk youth through leadership counseling groups. She has worked as a Peace Corps volunteer in the barrios of Cartagena, Colombia. She has counseled young people of diverse backgrounds in various parts of the U.S. and worked abroad as a relief worker through Operation USA in Sri Lanka, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, Russia, and the Philippines. Locally, she coordinated an OP USA Clinic program, providing assistance to numerous clinics throughout Los Angeles serving low-income and homeless families. As a liaison with the Hollywood entertainment community, she helped to organize a OP USA concert at the Hollywood Bowl, featuring Plácido Domingo, Frank Sinatra and Julie Andrews, to raise funds for the thousands rendered homeless by the Mexico earthquakes. After the tsunami, Valerie assisted Op USA with disaster relief efforts and psycho-social training on child trauma in Sri Lanka. She has been a Spokesperson on children's issues for the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and a consultant for Council in Schools. Through these programs and more, Valerie continually comes to know countless unsung everyday "angels among us." Over the years, Valerie has also worked in production and post-production with several producers and directors, including Robert Altman, Brian Grazer and Lou Adler. Expanding her efforts to uplift the human spirit into the development of film and television projects, Valerie has created "WildSpirit Productions, Inc." Her late mother, Leslie Ames, a "Revlon girl" and a Ford supermodel in the late 40s, always encouraged her to live her dreams. Valerie holds a M.A. degree in Counseling, speaks Spanish fluently, and is pursuing a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, with an emphasis in the Expressive Arts. She also enjoys meditating, yoga, expressive arts and "anything to do with nature".