Judah Bellamy movie list

Judah Bellamy was born and raised in Baltimore MD. Insightful and outgoing with a clarity of focus and a passion for the arts, he was always very unambiguous regarding the path he wanted to take. One could say that he was practically born with a vision. Judah decided as early as five years of age that he would be an actor. Specifically, his life's dream was to play Young Simba in The Lion King on Broadway. In early 2011, six years, an audition and five callbacks later, he achieved that dream and relocated to New York City. After almost two years at The Lion King, he had gained an amazing education in his craft, many new friends and deeper insight into his chosen profession as well as a very hands-on management and agency team in Lil Angels and Innovative Artists. Also during this period, he booked numerous national commercials and an indie film entitled Home, where he played John Hall, the son of Jack Hall (played by Gbenga Akinnagbe), a man seeking a path from institutionalization back into his son's life and his own home. It was on the set of that movie, directed by Jono Oliver, that Judah discovered his passion for filmmaking, which he began to study voraciously and which would play a key role in shaping his path. In December 2012, immediately upon completing what amounted to a life-altering experience at The Lion King, he joined the original cast of Matilda on Broadway where he played the principal role of Tommy. After a two year run in which he gained awesome new experiences and friends, he was very clear about his desire to narrow his focus to film and TV. Upon ending his Broadway run in 2014, Judah was cast as Jake in the Amazon original series, Just Add Magic - which remains the most popular children's show (that also casts enchantments upon adults) on Amazon's roster. He had the opportunity to participate in three seasons, where he gained an impromptu education in network television, filming, and editing. He now resides in Los Angeles where he is attending college for filmmaking, pursuing the next series of challenges in his acting career, and dominating conversations about film, jazz, and Hip Hop.