Patrick Mölleken movie list

Patrick Moelleken, born on the 27th September 1993, is a German actor and producer. First stage experience he gained was at the age of five. At age ten he received his first TV role in Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (1996). Since then he has been part of more than 100 film and TV productions, among others award-winning features such as Ihr könnt euch niemals sicher sein (2008), Rommel (2012), Zersplitterte Nacht: 9. November 1938, als die Nacht am kältesten war... (2013), Tatort: Hundstage (2016), König Laurin (2016) and Das letzte Mahl (2018). His teamwork with German rapper Eko Fresh on their anti racism viral video Aber (2018) (more than 12 Mio. clicks) has been presented with the "Webvideo Award 2018 - Special Award for Social Responsibility by the European Union". In 2022, Patrick Moelleken will be starring in the new Amazon Prime series Sex Zimmer, Küche, Bad (2021). Furthermore, Patrick Moelleken is working as a voice actor on audiobooks, radio dramas and dubbings. In 2010 he received the German Audio Book Award (Deutscher Hörbuchpreis) for his work on the WDR production "Ways to live forever" ("Wie man unsterblich wird").