Kevin Kent movie list

Chief Special Warfare Operator Kevin Kent retired after 21 years of active duty with Naval Special Warfare. He graduated Basic Underwater Demolition/ SEAL Training with class 200 & spent more than 15 years with SEAL Team Five, in Coronado, CA, where he completed 9 special operations combat deployments (6 in support of OEF/OIF). His other commands include the Naval Special Warfare Center's Advanced & Basic Training Commands, where he taught a vast array of special operations tactics, techniques, & procedures. His personal awards include the Bronze Star Medal w/ Combat V, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, 7 Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medals (3 w/ Combat V), the Army Commendation Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Joint Service Achievement Medal, 3 Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medals (1 w Combat V), the Army Achievement Medal, the Combat Action Ribbon, as well as several other campaign medals & awards. Since his retirement, he's worked for GSGI, in the film industry as an Actor, Stuntman, & Military/ Technical Advisor. Most recent film credits include "Transformers 3, 4, 5, & 6 (Bumblebee)", "Daddy's Home", "13 Hours", "Suicide Squad", "KONG: Skull Island", "The Magnificent Seven", "12 Strong", "Peppermint", "Da 5 Bloods" & "The Tomorrow War." Additionally on TV, he's done "Agent X", Seasons 1,2 and 3 of Tom Clancy's "Jack Ryan", for Amazon & all 5 seasons of "The Last Ship", for TNT. Currently he works as a Director, Producer, Actor, Stuntman, personal security specialist, weapon's instructor, and a Military/ Police & Technical Advisor in the film industry as well as pursuing a Bachelors of Science Degree in Digital Cinematography from Full Sail University.