Harry Pavlidis movie list

Originally a record holding and multi talented athlete, since crossing over to the performing arts in 1990, critically acclaimed actor Harry Pavlidis has appeared on the big screen in the feature films Infini, Gabriel, John Doe: Vigilante, Mr Nice Guy, Floating Life, Race The Sun, F Meat and Lillian's Story. He has worked for all the major production houses including Freemantle Media, 9 Network, Southern Star, 7 Network, ABC Television, Grundy Productions and Crackerjack. Harry's television credits include The Elegant Gentleman's Guide To Knife Fighting, East West 101, Home and Away, Stingers, Comedy Inc, All Saints, Outriders, Never Tell Me Never, Big Sky, Spellbinder, Water Rats, GP, Neighbours, Blue Heelers, Police Rescue and E Street. On Stage he performed in leading roles of Cafe Rebetika, Courtyard of Miracles and over 40 productions for Opera Australia. He trained at the Beverly Hills Play House under Milton Katselas in Los Angeles and at the Actors Centre Australia.