Erron Jay movie list

Born in Kansas City, Missouri, Erron Jay got the acting bug when he was 14 years of age. He grew up wanting to be a singer, and he has a great voice, but acting was his true calling. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theatre Performance from Missouri State University (MSU), following in the footsteps of MSU alumni John Goodman and Kathleen Turner. He also received his Masters of Fine Arts in Acting from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. His first movie Larva (2005) gave him the drive and motivation to continue down the road traveled by many. He is a member of the band Those Acoustic Kats providing lead vocals and percussion. Jay can be seen in several commercials as well. Jay has finished pilots with Cedric the Entertainer and another with Bailey Madison. He lives by the bible when it says in Matthew 22:14 - "For many are called, but few are chosen."