Eric R. Williams movie list

Eric R. Williams is a proud native of Atlanta, Georgia. He began formal training in Drama & Musical Theatre in the Visual & Performing Arts Magnet Program at Tri-Cities High School in East Point, Georgia, a critically acclaimed public school rooted in the performing arts and boasted notable alumni such as OutKast's Big Boi & André 3000, Xscape, D. Woods of Danity Kane, SNL's Keenan Thompson, Broadway stars Saycon Sengbloh, Sahr Ngaujah, Jahi Kearse, Joaquina Kalukango & many others. Eric graduated Magna Cum Laude with his BFA in Theatre from Howard University & made his professional acting debut in the Regional Premiere of the Rock 'n' Roll musical Passing Strange at The Studio Theatre in Washington, DC. Eric made his New York City professional debut in the Public Theater's Shakespeare In the Park production of Into The Woods opposite Academy Award Winner Amy Adams, Tony Award Winner Donna Murphy and Tony Award winner & Emmy-nominated Denis O'Hare. He went on to tour the US and Japan with the national tour of the 2009 Apollo Revival of Dreamgirls. Eric has since been performing regionally and in various workshops of new pieces in and out of New York, as well as appearing in various film projects, television & web series.