Michael Antonakos movie list

Michael Antonakos was born in Athens Greece, October 21st, 1982. He moved to Canada at the age of three. He has been performing since he was nine years old, and spent his youth with the Rocky Mountain Shakespeare Company, in Lake Louise, Alberta. His mother was a ballet teacher/choreographer, where Michael had begun his dance training. His sister, Sofia Diana Antonakos, an opera singer got him into singing, and he trained with renowned classical teacher Nicoli Kolesnikov. After moving to Victoria, BC to study drama at Claremont with one of Canada's theatre Legends Sylvia Hosie, he began performing in musicals, West Side Story, Sweeny Todd, A Chorus Line, John & Jen, Buddy Holly, & In the Heights, to name a few. Upon leaving the University of Victory he moved to Vancouver B.C, where he began focusing on film and television, when he landed his first video game Lord Of the Rings: The Third Age. He fell in love with motion capture and voice, and because of his physical abilities to transform into other people/creatures and create new unrecognizable voices he became well known for performance capture in the video game and animation world.