Amber Goetz movie list

While being a newbie in the film Producing world, Amber's first feature is making a big splash winning multiple awards and drawing attention to the press with their out of the box marketing. Determined Amber plans to set trends and bring a strong voice to women in film making. Securing a not so typical distributor to her first ever film with an unknown cast, Amber prides herself in her unique ways of getting her foot in the door, tightening up the budget and getting creative to make her films look like big budget pictures. With a strong background in film making from the other side of the camera Amber has applied her knowledge and 11 years of experience in the entertainment industry as an actress and on camera host. Also being the Founder of Active Media Productions, producer of multiple music videos, commercials, and now a feature film. Coinciding with filmmaking, her production company has another branch for all things marketing. Branding, SEO and online presence is a strong focus and a huge factor in today's film making world. Her first feature as a Producer - Highway To Havasu won "Best Comedy" at the Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival in 2016 and also took home "People's Choice Best Film" at the same festival.