Vince Allen movie list

PASSION: Vince Allen loves avocados. Vince is a television, film, commercial content producer, as well as a community leader and founder of the non-profit organization "Engage the Vision."(ETV) where he has served as President and lead facilitator of the ETV program for over 7 years. The organization's mission is to connect inner-city youth in South Central LA to a group of passionate mentors from the entertainment industry. Our mentors encourage and empower them every single Friday of the school year at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary school where the mentors and children have fostered genuine healthy relationships and co-create an environment of fun educational experiences and valuable practical learning of life lessons that apply love, acceptance, and appreciation for all. CURRENT: Vince recently wrapped production "Sunday Best" Season 10 and on "Welcome Home," a brand new TV series airing on The CW Network every Saturday and Sunday. In this program, his hosts provide fully-furnished, custom-designed homes to families transitioning out of homeless shelters! Vince also has several scripted and unscripted television shows under NDA in development with various networks. CREDITS: His past credits include network television series, national commercials, theatrical films, as well as animation. Some of his commercial clients include: Mattel Toys, Hershey's Chocolate, Ford Motor Group, SONY Pictures, SnapChat, Perrier water, Netflix, The Lifetime Network, Amazon, The MGM Grand Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, GoPro Cameras, Revel Resorts,, HAKKASAN Las Vegas, Zappos Shoes, TAO group, KA - Cirque De Soliel, LATV and more. A few of Vince's film and television projects include: Sister Code ft. Amber Rose, Illicit ft. Vivica Fox and Dean Cain and Master P's Family Empire. Vince has also produced award-winning content for celebrities, such as Pharrell Williams, Nick Cannon, NAS, Kim Kardashian, LMFAO, Deadmau5, Steve Aioki, Calvin Harris, and some of the biggest international D.J's in the world. PRODUCTION COMPANY Vince is the founder of the full-service production company Invincible Group Productions and a proud member of the Producers Guild of America. PRODUCTION COMPANY: Vince Allen, his production company, and extensive networks in the television, film, and commercial industries have access to the best creatives, crew, and vendors in every visual, audio, and creative aspect needed to create fantastic, fun, and intriguing high-quality content.