David Gallagher movie list

David Lee Gallagher was born on February 9, 1985 in College Point, New York, to Elena (Lopez) and Darren James Gallagher. His stepfather is Vincent Casey. David is of Irish (father) and Cuban (mother) descent. At not even two years old, he landed his first print ad job and he has since done commercials for corporations such as Walt Disney World, Burger King, Panasonic, Hanes, Betty Crocker and Tyson Foods. At the age of 8, David made his film debut with a lead role in the surprise hit Look Who's Talking Now (1993). Several television appearances and made-for-television movies followed until another big-screen success in Phenomenon (1996), with John Travolta. That same year he landed his most famous role to date, Simon Camden, in the WB hit 7th Heaven (1996). The Wonderful World of Disney: Angels in the Endzone (1997) and Ri¢hie Ri¢h's Christmas Wish (1998) were barely enough to show off his talents and most of his acting depth is shown off on the television series, which covers such serious issues as drugs, abuse and suicide. After achieving fan-magazine fame and teen-idol status, David co-starred in the film _Kart Racer (2003). He graduated from Chaminade High School in 2003. David enjoys swimming and basketball.