Jan Graveson movie list

Jan is from the north east of England. A proficient and prolific actress, musician, singer and mentor, Jan has performed all over the world and dedicated her life to performing arts. Jan has been awarded a Tony Award nomination for her performances on Broadway: Best Featured Actress in a Musical. (Blood Brothers the musical) . She was awarded Best Newcomer to Screen at Sydney Film Festival (Everything - film), Best Actress at Chicago International Film Festival 2019 (Elysium Hernalsiense - role: Margo) 'Everything' starred Ray Winstone and Jan and was awarded a BAFTA in 2005. The film 'Elysium Hernalsiense' was awarded Best Foreign Film at Manikarnika International Film Festival, India 2022. Jan mentors and holds unique workshops in UK and Mumbai in musical theatre, singing and acting. janoffbroadway.com Jan has played roles in Indian film and web as well as Europe and US. Indian projects include; 'Gully Boy' 'Hush Hush' 'Four More Shots Please' 'Made In Heaven' 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' and 'Khufiya' - Dir. Vishal Bhardwaj. Jan was awarded British Tap Dancing Champion and English Tap Champion at age 12 and 13. She is a Royal Schools Of Music trained pianist, versatile singer and musician, song writer. Her passion is to promote and stage original musicals in India.