Tammie Smith movie list

Tammie Smith, Director/Producer/Actress: Friday the 13th Vengeance 2: Bloodlines (2021). Tammie Smith is an American Director/Producer/Actress, known for Friday the 13th Vengeance 2: Bloodlines (2021), Dr. Gift (2022), Guns of Eden (2022), My Little Nightmare (2021), The Las Vegas Ripper (2021), Rogue Angel (2021), Move Me No Mountains (2021), House In Time (2021), Drone Down (2021), Angel on the Roadside (2021), Seasons (2021), K-Town (2021), Distortion (2021), Wicked Jack (2021), Essence (2021), Blood Prison (2021), Scream Bloody Murder (2021), Areana Wars (2021), Revenge of the Zomghouls (2021), Growing Up Adopted (2021) Afternoon Tea (2021), Health is Wealth (2021) Comedy Stop (2021), Just the Tea (2021), On the Record (2020- ) Truth & Tell (2020- ), Bloodthirst (2020), Death Count (2020), Night of the Tommyknockers (2020), Not in a Million Years (2022), The Feeler (2022), Jack of All Trades (2023), Government Experiments (2023), Across The Pond (2023), Primrose Manor (2023), Make Believe Happy (2023), Dreams Go By (2023), Or So They Say (2023), As In Olden Days (2023), Boss Nova's Last Call (2023), After Geppetto Got Iced (2023), Somewhere South of Pointless (2023), The World in Solemn Stillness Lay (2023), Soul Purging (2023), Phantom Assassin (2022), Retribution (2022), The Cost of Freedom (2022), The Couch (2022), Lone Wolf (2022), Armies From Below (2022), Overwatch (2022), Affiliated (2022), Ghoul (2022), Brain Hunter: New Breed (2022), Axemas 4: The Axemas Legacy (2021), The 10th Man (2021), Axemas 3: Santa's Insane (2021), Beneth the Field (2021), Witch on a Walker (2021), Reflecting the Void (2021), Legend of Wisteria Falls (2021), Amityville Hex (2021), Plague of the Dead (2021), The Haunted Couple (2021), STRIX (2021), Z Dead End (2021), Appetite For Sin (2021), The Haddenfield Nightmare (2020), Nest of Vampires (2020), Compatible (2020), Bridge of the Doomed (2020), Smoking Man (2020), Smile Now (2020), ATA Martial Arts Fitness (2020, Spartan Firearms: New Range (2020, Sany Spray (2020), Corona Virus vs The Magic City (2020), Tioga Drone Camp for Kids (2019), Nobles Inc: 10 Years (2019), Spectrum Fitness: Martial Arts (2019), Phantom (2018), Play Pretty the Buddy Prima Story (2018), Powerful Women Boss Divas (2018- ), Axemas 2: Blood Slay (2018), Meet Mark (2018), Stand Strong for Justice (2018- ), Axemas (2017), Play Pretty for Me (2017- ), Fighting Belle the Movie (2017), NCIS: New Orleans (2017), The Task web series (2017), Spades: Bullet Proof (2017), Rita's Daily Burn (2017), and Magic Tap Cloggers (2016). Tammie was born in Birmingham, Alabama on November 3. She grew up in Pelham, Alabama and she completed runway/still modeling, makeup application (MUA) and acting training courses at Elan and Casablanca in her teens then graduated from Pelham High School. She obtained a 4 year BS Degree in Criminology in 3 years at Jacksonville State University where she majored in Forensic Science and minored in Law Enforcement. She studied forensic science, criminal law, statutory law, civil law, biology, anthropology, crime scenes, kinetic interviewing, law enforcement, psychology, sociology, child abuse, family counseling, social work, photography, accounting, financing, financial management, data analysis, security clearances, law and court orders both nationwide and international extensively among many others to expand her wide range of abilities before retiring from the field of criminology/civil service and beginning to create stories of what she had experienced on life's journey to be made into books, scripts, screenplays and now, motion pictures. As one of the leaders in Film Production and Talent Management, Tammie sets the bar high for woman producers everywhere. Tammie learned how to manage and produce in the entertainment industry due to being around it for many years. She wears multiple hats on sets being Executive Producer, Producer, Director, Unit Production Manager, 1st Assistant Manager and other roles multitasking all at the same time. She's very efficient, multi-talented, can fill a cast and crew in less than two weeks and has been known to film a full length feature in a week with the set running smoothly including meticulous wardrobes, props and stunts. She takes in every bit of knowledge she learns and puts it to great use on future projects that she works to make even greater projects the next time. She has streamlined the process by building a worldwide team of incredible talent, the crème of the crop, together under her management including actors, directors, producers, cinematographers, editors, composers/musicians, and entire the production team and crew. She keeps a steady flow of award winning content coming in, working extremely hard to help everyone succeed along with her and treating people with the respect they deserve. Tammie brightens the day of others by making people smile and providing opportunities to entertainment professionals they otherwise might not be able to achieve. Her smile and laughs are contagious, and she's a joy to have onset. She'll continue giving hope to those around her by making a difference, so the world can be a better place. Tammie is the CEO/Owner of Smith International Productions, Smith International Talent & Casting, SmithFlixx, Smith-Sound, Smith-Awards, Smith International Model Magazine, Smith International Motion Picture Magazine, Smith International Entertainment Group, Smith International Global Agency, and Smith International, all of which are fully licensed companies which work internationally. Smith International Productions is a Motion Picture and TV Production Company with creative writing, fashion, entertainment and talent management as well as music and sound production. Under Smith International Talent & Casting, Tammie manages multiple clients in all areas of the film, fashion, literary and music entertainment industries. Under SmithFlixx and Smith International Productions, Tammie has production/distribution deals with multiple other companies, she has associations with many other companies and she is building her own film production/sound studios with her own team of professionals in all areas of cast and crew. She has many project in the works at all times and has designed her many companies with the long term goal of helping others and giving back to those through her Scholarship Funds, Philanthrophy Foundations, and Non-Profit Organiztions leaving the world better than the day before!