Larry Banks movie list

Larry Banks also known as Laurence, was born on good-Friday Apr. 13th in the city of Los Angeles, sunny California. His passion for acting was Inspired by his aunt actress (Tina Lifford) known for work in "Queen Sugar on OWN Network." Larry graduated college earning himself a 4-year bachelor arts degree from CSUN and also received an AA degree in theater arts from SMC. Laurence is known for his role as an abusive father in the multi-award winning film "The Protege Project: Chapter 1 Supernal Darkness." His recent accomplished work in the short film "The Black League of Super Hero's" has also received several awards for outstanding film. Mr. Banks, who's second love is the passion for Real Estate development (theatrical acting being his first love) has the vision of becoming a Hollywood Film Producer/Writer/Director someday. Laurence also enjoys uplifting and encouraging by giving back doing motivational public speaking. Written by Laurence Banks