Kiya Roberts movie list

"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players". That's the Shakespearean motto this budding young thespian has lived by for as long as she can remember. Appearing in her first musical as a teenager in Richmond, VA, Zakiya K. Roberts, known to family and friends as simply "Kiya", has always lived in performance mode. Deciding to further hone her natural skill as an actress, Kiya moved to Washington, D.C. to pursue a BFA in Theatre Arts at Howard University. During her first years in Los Angeles, though she continued taking acting classes and doing independent films, she spent most of her first years working in the music industry. Music being an equally strong a passion as acting, she also took advantage of the opportunities to be on stage, singing background for various artists as well as performing and recording with her own girl group. In 2007, Kiya began working on her first television series. With an incredible presence, training & experience in the areas of acting and music, Kiya is a triple-threat on the brink of stardom.