Backstreet Boys movie list

The Backstreet Boys is an American boy band consisting of A.J. McLean, Howie Dorough, Nick Carter, Kevin Scott Richardson and Brian Littrell. They became famous in the 90's with their debut international album, Backstreet Boys (1996). They released their second international album, Backstreet's Back (1997), Millennium (1999) and Black & Blue (2000). After a two-year hiatus, they regrouped and released a comeback album Never Gone (2005). After the conclusion of the Never Gone Tour in 2006, Kevin Scott Richardson left the group to pursue other interests. The group then released two albums as a quartet: Unbreakable (2007) and This Is Us (2009). In 2012, the group announced that Richardson had rejoined them permanently. The following year, they celebrated their 20th anniversary and released their first independent album, In a World Like This (2013). The Backstreet Boys have sold over 130 million records worldwide, making them the best-selling boy band in history, and one of the world's best-selling music artists.