Danny Mastrogiorgio movie list

A veteran of New York theater, Danny's performed in many notable Off-Broadway shows and the recent, critically acclaimed Broadway productions of "The Iceman Cometh", starring Denzel Washington, "The Front Page", starring Nathan Lane, "Lucky Guy", starring Tom Hanks and "Golden Boy", starring Tony Shaloub. He's also enjoyed an extensive on-camera career including a role in the recent, critically acclaimed film "Share" by Pippa Bianca, plus "The Cobbler", by Tom McCarthy, "God's Pocket", John Slattery's directorial debut, and "The Mend", by John Magary. Further, he's performed many roles on TV with recurring stints on "Gotham", "The Affair", "Billions" and "Show Me a Hero". He's most recently appeared regularly on the CBS show, "Instinct", starring Alan Cumming. Danny lives in Brooklyn with his wife and 2 young boys.