Carmen Lamar Gonzalez movie list

Carmen is an actor, singer, director, and a proud member of the professional actor unions: SAG-AFTRA and AEA. She's appeared in film & television and performed in NYC theatre, regional, cabaret and summer stock. Carmen directed musicals at NYC's Clinton School for Writers and Artists and directed "Twelve Angry Jurors" and "Death of a Miner" at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre. She holds a BA in Communications and Theatre from Texas A&M, Corpus Christi, and a MA in Theatre at Hunter College. She loves to help young actors keep their dreams alive and runs the JR School acting program at the Neighborhood Playhouse, while teaching theatre history in the adult program. Carmen studied with renowned acting teacher, Fred Kareman. Carmen has a recurring role as Bomb Tech, Carla Flores on the hit Dick Wolf series FBI on CBS now in its fourth season! Also check out her YouTube series, Second to None, a set of documentary shorts highlighting those Hollywood actors whose faces you recognize, but names you may not be able to place. She lives in New York City, rides her bike, and is a vegan.
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