Danny Farber movie list

Danny Farber is an actor, director, producer born in Chicago, IL. He studied film production at DePaul University and trained locally at various acting studios around Chicago. Farber's career in entertainment began as a production assistant on various indie feature films. He quickly climbed the ranks on set, matriculating into the AD department, coordinating, project managing, and eventually full fledged producing. Farber has assistant directed half a dozen feature films & produced video content for iO Comedy Network, Hannibal Buress, and Chance the Rapper. He parlayed the connections he made on each project for when it came time to start directing his own work. His directing work has won various awards for his 'zany while refined' directing style. Farber made his television debut in the Fall of 2018 on the season 7 premiere of NBC's Chicago Fire. Since then he's been working in front of and behind the camera steadily. In the winter of 2019 Farber created and hosted his own late night talk show, filmed in front of a live studio audience with special guests, comedians, musical acts, and puppet co-hosts. His brand is certainly unconventional; approachable and familiar yet wildly unique and offbeat. Farber continues to make opportunities for himself by creating projects that he can star in.