Maria De Aragon movie list

Gorgeous and beguiling brunette knockout Maria De Aragon was born on December 26, 1942 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Maria began her acting career with small roles in the movies "For Those Who Think Young," "Nightmare in the Sun," and "Come L'Amore." De Aragon carved out a nifty little niche portraying dangerous, but irresistible femme fatale types in several deliciously down'n'dirty 70's drive-in exploitation features: she's faithless husband Peter Carpenter's enticing young mistress Nanette in the tawdry "Love Me Like I Do;" at her all-time bitchy best as wicked and conniving sex-crazed nymphomaniac Victoria Waterman in the splendidly sleazy "Blood Mania," and one of the titular lethal ladies in the hugely enjoyable "Wonder Women." Maria had a change of pace good girl part as fetching love interest heroine Jeanne in the laughably lousy cheapie science fiction clunker "The Cremators." De Aragon achieved her greatest enduring cult popularity with her brief, but memorable appearance as would-be alien assassin Greedo in "Star Wars." Her last film role to date was as a French proprietor in the gritty urban action opus "Street Wars." In addition to her movie credits, Maria has also appeared in the stage productions "Bernie's Troupe," "Claim It," and "The Dancer." Maria De Aragon lives in Jonquiere, Quebec, Canada.