Alex Wexo movie list

Alex Wexo was Born in Boston, Mass. At the age of 5 his parent's moved to London, England where for the next 10 year's he went to school. Graduating from High School and determined to see the world, Alex left home and moved to Edinburgh, Scotland. There he did numerous odd job's bouncing in Night Club's and working in an ice cream factory. After living in Scotland for two years, Alex came back to America and settled in San Diego California. There he joined the United States Marine Corps. After graduating from Bootcamp, Alex was shipped off to Fort Sill, Oklahoma to train as an Artillery Fire Direction Control Man. His first order's were to report to 29 Palm's Marine Base in California. During his tenure at 29 Palm's, Alex was quickly recruited by Intelligence Operatives in the Marine Corps. Accepted by the intel community Alex traveled all over the world conducting intel op's. After leaving the Marine Corps. Alex decided to become an actor and his first role was in Columbia Picture's "A Few Good Men", giving him his SAG Card. Alex has worked steadily ever since but is looking for that right role that will show his true essence.