Gregory Schwabe movie list

Gregory Scott Schwabe, was born on 26 June, to Kathleen and Paul Schwabe. Greg has two siblings are Ken and Mollie. The Schwabe's grew up in Brockton, Ma "the City of Champions", where Greg competed in Baseball and Ice hockey. Graduated from Brockton High School in 1988. Greg joined the US Army and was stationed around the globe. One of Greg's highlights was the Chief of Counterintelligence Analysis Section for US Forces Korea. Greg then spent several years in some special programs within the US Government fighting terrorism. After Government service Greg has also worked at Middlesex Sheriff's Office as a Deputy Sheriff, and Mass General Hospital helped create a proprietary information protection program. Each February, Greg works as the senior security advisor, at the Munich Security Conference where world leaders come together to discuss global threats. In January 2015, Greg's first break in the film industry came after a bad year in his life after back surgery, Oliver Stone hired him to act and help train over 50 international extras to be American Soldiers for the movie Snowden. Greg credits his rebirth to Oliver and Jaymes, since Snowden, Greg has been hired in several roles in film, TV and commercials. Greg continues to focus on acting but is enjoying working behind the camera as well and in 2018 will work as a military and national security technical advisor on several projects.