Sheldon Wilson movie list

Award-winning Canadian / US producer / writer / director Sheldon Wilson, recently directed "Kaw" for Reel One Entertainment and Sony Pictures. In addition to directing the movie, Sheldon also edited the film and supervised all the visual effects work on over 350 shots, completing a third of those shots himself. His self-produced, independent feature "Shallow Ground", distributed domestically by Universal Studios, was awarded Best Picture at the 2004 Dead By Dawn Film Festival. The horror feature had a UK theatrical release in 2005 followed by theatrical releases in several other countries including Russia before making it's highly successful US premier on the Sci-Fi Channel. Sheldon also wrote and edited the film in addition to completing most of the digital effects work himself. Sheldon presently has two other feature films in development as well as one documentary in production. His sci-fi thriller "Dark Days" is in development with Reel One Entertainment, while his currently untitled true crime thriller is being developed into both a feature film and documentary. Production has begun on the documentary, which Sheldon is producing and directing.