Natalie Victoria movie list

Natalie began her career in theatre writing and performing. She was awarded "Best Actress in Dramatic Category" at the Meta Theatre during the Hollywood Across America Showcase in 2009 - for original creative work, she wrote and performed. She was nominated for her acting work "Outstanding Cast Performance" in the action/thriller feature, "Abstraction" in late 2013 at the Action on Film International Film Festival. As a passionate movie fan, Natalie has always been involved in the arts - creating new characters and bringing unique stories to the stage and screen. Named one of "The Most Inspiring People of 2011" by Gladys Magazine for work in and out of Hollywood; Natalie's first leading lady role in a feature film came in 2012, with a breakout role, playing the lovable, clumsy, awkward, girl-next-door Ellie in zombie/comedy "Deadheads." Following the success of "Deadheads," Ms. Victoria went on to book a series of other roles in feature films, short films, and stage plays. Notable roles/projects on the screen (so far) include; the (blink and you will miss her) role of the 'Tortuga Wench' in "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End," a fun-loving sorority girl in "Beer Pong Saved My Life", a tortured girl grappling with suicide in the award-winning stage play "Diary of Catholic School Dropout", a heartbroken ex-girlfriend in romance drama "Always Faithful", tackling date rape in "I'll Take Care of You," a power-hungry corporate villain in "Inspectres," a destitute woman trying to stay alive and make amends in "Chemical Peel," a wife in crisis in "M is for Marriage/ABCs of Death 2.5", an alluring spy in "Lime Recipe," a woman running from her past in "The Lookout," a townie desperate to stop a heist in the action film "Abstraction," and the sexy soothsayer 'Marigold' in cult-classic horror "Last Shift." Following a freak accident (outside of set), Natalie suffered a traumatic brain injury and took a hiatus from Hollywood to heal, rehabilitate, and recover. Natalie returned to Hollywood in the 2023 theatrical release of the feature film, "Malum" - a reimagining of "Last Shift" in the role of Marigold. She was the only returning cast member from the original film, and the only actress to play the same role twice in two movies. Filmmakers & Producers describe Natalie as "a joy to work with on set" - a fun and thoughtful actress; fearless, vulnerable, authentic on screen, witty, and always a team player on sets. She has booked leads, costar, and ensemble roles in projects of all genres; dramatic features, thrillers, action films, comedies, horror, and sci-fi. Natalie also does many of her stunts and enjoys doing so. She is married to director/screenwriter Anthony DiBlasi - her creative partner. Natalie Victoria and Anthony DiBlasi began writing together in 2020, collaborating and developing projects in multiple genres that include; horror, thriller, drama, and sci-fi features. She continues to act, write, and develop projects in the Los Angeles area.