McKenna Roberts movie list

Born McKenna Rae Roberts, an American actress and model. At a very young age she landed her first modeling job chosen from a snapshot. Then soon after at age 4 she signed with Ford Models. Where she went on to work for several big name companies like Nordstorm, Forever 21, H&M, and more. McKenna's first television appearance was on Nickelodeon's TV series Sam & Cat alongside Ariana Grande. From there McKenna went on to play the role of Matilda Ashby on the Emmy award winning daytime drama The Young and the Restless (2013-2017). She has starred in several other television series with guest starring and recurring roles on projects like Steven Spielberg's Extant alongside Halle Berry, CSI Cyber alongside Patricia Arquette and CBS's TV series Timeless. Most recently McKenna can be seen playing a younger version of Zendaya starring in the HBO hit series Euphoria. McKenna made her big screen debut in what she describes as her most exciting role thus far, cast as Georgia Sawyer a lead in the feature film Skyscraper. Alongside A-list actors Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Neve Campbell. Traveling to Hong Kong, Beijing, and New York City for the movies Global Press Tour and Premieres. She was featured prominently in the trailers and on the movies posters as well as the DVD cover of the film. Off camera McKenna allows plenty of time for training, education and spending quality time with her friends and family.