Alexandra Palting movie list

Alexandra Palting is a screen actor who can be seen in independent films and in productions for clients like Apple, the NIH, and Home Depot. An actor with theatrical roots, she is a 2022 artist in residence at The Kennedy Center writing, composing and performing an original musical about her grandparents' love story during the time of their immigration to the United States from the Philippines. Alexandra is also audio book narrator and producer who can be found on various titles on Audible. She studied at the University of Delaware, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and Harvard Online Business School. Through her business, The Hustling Creative, she supports nonprofits through storytelling, having raised over $60,000 for nonprofits since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and empowers young professionals as they pursue a career in the arts through private coaching and engagements at universities and conferences across the country.